Tuesday 14 August 2012

Trust me?

Hello readers! Welcome back to spells!

Source 1: A movie poster from the movie 'The eternal Jew'

I feel that this poster is reliable.I think that it is realistic to us as we believe in magic. Others may not believe that there is such power.Although, there is no scientific fact or whatsoever that  Jews can be able to change their appearance but there is such a spell! obviously? In the magic world, everyone believes in supernatural magic.They are not like any other normal people.Well rumor has it! Jews are different in terms of features and compared to others they were deformed.Yellow represents the colour of Jews as it is an unpopular colour. Therefore,  this poster can be trusted.

Source 2
: An excerpt from Mein Kempf, written by Adolf Hitler

Since the Jew is not the attacked but the attacker, not only anyone who attacks passes as his enemy, but also anyone who resists him. But the means with which he seeks to break such reckless but upright souls is not honest warfare, but lies and slander.  Here he stops at nothing, and in his vileness he becomes so gigantic that no one need be surprised if among our people the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.
Adolf Hitler, My Kempf

I feel that this source is not reliable. Despite living in a magic world, anything and everything could be possible. However, everyone have their enemies. This source is bias as it is a one sided point of view.Hitler says that a Jew will stop at nothing and attack, claiming that Jews are the personification of a devil as the symbol of all evil. But i do believe that as long as you talk no evil, you will see no evil. Thus, people who look at this source and actually believe it are truly gullible. There is magic out there, so for Jews to actually be the devil is possible. But that does not give people to accuse the Jews of being evil when there is no evidence. Therefore this source is not reliable.

Source 3:
The perpetrators of the anti-Jewish slaughter, Mr. Goldhagen contends, did not kill Jews because of threats or some German propensity for obeying authority. They participated in the slaughter because they were steeped in a historical culture of anti-Semitism. They tortured and massacred Jews, starved them, toyed with them, punished them for their birth, and they did so voluntarily, even eagerly, with unsurpassable malice and cruelty.
-         Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, Hitler's Willing Executioners

 I believe that the source is reliable as we believe magic exists.There is no reason as to why people do certain things. Magic is out of the extraordinary, something enchanted. Perhaps the perpetrators of the anti-Jewish slaughter are being under a spell and brainwashed into believing that Jews are dangerous enemies. That could be one of the factors as to why Hitler's executioners are so heartless enough to starve them, torture them.Thus, this source is reliable in a sense that the executioners are under a massive spell to be able to make them forget about humanity.

Sunday 12 August 2012

Money Makes the world go round?

     Money makes the world go round, and in the case of Germany in 1933, it allowed a certain Adolf Hitler to rise to power. I disagree with this statement as i feel that besides money issues, the constitution and the system of proportional representation, being opposed by the right.

     Germany faced money issues mainly because they lost a capable leader. Gustar Stresemann was the one that helped Germany survive financially after the war. However, He died of an heart attack. Without him, Germany became a country vulnerable for attack. Having lost a capable leader, the country faced money issues and they needed someone to ensure them that they were safe and protected. Therefore, having believed Hitler's promises to keep their country protected, Germans trusted him and placed their votes for him. Thus, money issues is one of the reasons that made Hitler rise to power.

     The constitution and the system of proportional representation also made Hitler rise to power. The Germans were controlled by authoritarian rulers. A new government had to be set up. There were violent riots in the capital, Berin, forced the politicians responsible for setting up the government to meet in the smal town of weimar. The weimar had a system of proportional government that was not effective. Germans over the age of 20 could vote. This was a democratic system that allowed many parties to gain seats and no single party could gain dominance. However, the governments did not last long. The chancellors had no time to make changes to the government. This made the country unstable and vulnerable for attack. And made the people insecure, Thus people began to doubt their abilities. 

      The weimar government was opposed by the right, leading to Hitler's rise to power too. Germans were angry with the weimar government as they believed that the army had not been defeated. The top army officers told the German people that the army could have fought on but were betrayed by their politicians. They claimed that the German Army had been 'stabbed in the back'. Even top military leaders did not support the new democratic system and were determined to obstruct the work of the weimar government . The people have lost confidence in the Weimar Government. The people have lost confidence in the Weimar Government , thinking they were weak and useless.